All schools have to have a board of governors by law. The general role of our governors is to oversee the strategic planning and direction of our school rather than being involved in the day to day running. It is also the job of our governors to challenge our school whilst maintaining support and is often referred to as ‘the critical friend’.
The governing body is made up of a group of volunteers which consist of parent governors, community governors, foundation governors, local authority governors and staff governors.
No previous qualifications are required to be become a Cheslyn Hay Primary Governor although training is undertaken in post which can be web based or evening/day courses. Our governors are from all different ‘walks of life’ and the more diverse the group of people, the better in many ways, bringing different views, experiences, skills and knowledge. Anyone can be a governor you do not need any professional qualifications, just a commitment to improving education within our school.
The governors meet three times per year as a Full Governing Body. Governors are also expected to be on at least one subcommittee. The subcommittees at Cheslyn Hay Primary are Resources (dealing with finance, personnel, health & safety and premises), Attainment and Progress and Teaching and Learning.
There is also the Governor Challenge Group which meets termly ensuring all governors are attached to an individual class and several undertake specific ‘link’ responsibilities in relation to curriculum areas, specific groups of pupils and training and development of Governors. This requires governors to spend some time in our school to know how it works from the inside and develop and foster relationships with the pupils and staff. Impact being monitored by the committee.
Please find more details of governors within the documents below: