
Cheslyn Hay Primary School

Every Child Matters, Every Day Counts

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Year 2

Welcome to Year 2's page!

Welcome to Year 2.


Our PE days take place on Wednesdays and Fridays.

Your child can come to school in their PE kit on these days. PE uniform must consist of a white t-shirt and royal blue shorts. During cold weather, children can wear dark-coloured jogging bottoms and a dark-coloured jacket. Earrings must not be worn for PE lessons and cannot be covered with plasters or micropore tape.


Homework will now be given on a half-termly basis, with a variety of tasks for children to complete. Your child will be given a pack with instructions and a return date at the beginning of each half term.


In Year 2, children are expected to read daily at home and this should be recorded in their Monkey Reading Books. For every day a child reads at home they will move up their class reading race. Books will only be changed once a child has read with a teacher or TA in school. If you are waiting for books to be changed please feel free to read books from home and record this in the monkey book.


You can contact your child’s class teacher throughout the year on
