
Cheslyn Hay Primary Academy

Every Child Matters, Every Day Counts

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Year 6

Welcome to Year 6's class page!

Teachers: Mr Stanworth, Mrs Sivorn (Monday and Tuesday) and Miss Johnson (Wednesday-Friday).

Teaching assistants: Mrs Slym and Mrs Steptoe.

Our PE sessions take place on Thursdays. 

Your child can come to school in their PE kit on this days. PE uniform must consist of their house colour t-shirt and shorts. During cold weather, children can wear dark-coloured jogging bottoms and a dark-coloured jacket. Earrings must not be worn for PE lessons and cannot be covered with plasters or micropore tape.


During the first half term, we will be swimming for six weeks on a Thursday too. After these sessions, we will have an additional PE session on a Monday for the rest of the year. 


We expect all pupils to read at home. If children are reading independently, they can write in their own diary noting the pages they have read. We ask that you sign their diary once a week. 


You can contact your child’s class teacher throughout the year on ClassDojo. 
