
Cheslyn Hay Primary Academy

Every Child Matters, Every Day Counts

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Special Educational Needs and Disability



Dyslexia Friendly Full Status – achieved April 2013


Mrs Sivorn (Deputy Headteacher) is the SENCo (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator) and Mental Health First Aider. You can contact her by emailing

The Governors responsible for Special Educational Needs are Wendy Powell and Alexandra Dziegiel-Buckley.


The SEN policy is updated annually and is available below and also from the headteacher upon request. Supporting pupils with an additional need is a strength of our school and we are able to show very good examples of this through case studies of our success along with support from parents/carers.


Our ethos is simple – every child deserves to be educated to a high standard, have the opportunity to aim high and be successful. We pursue this through quality teaching, resources, reflective practice and staff expertise.


Please click here to view our school SEND Information Report on the Staffordshire County Council website.



‘All staff will care, empathise, work and teach pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities’


To achieve this we will:

  • Create a happy, secure and stimulating environment.
  • Offer a broad, balanced and differentiated curriculum in which pupils are helped to realise their individual learning potential and experience a sense of positive achievement.
  • Raise the esteem of special needs pupils and promote a positive self image by providing pupils with many opportunities to experience success.
  • Work with parents/carers as partners and value their support in all aspects of meeting their child’s needs.
  • Foster a whole school approach to Special Needs and Disability.
  • Ensure equality of opportunity for all pupils.
  • Embed the policy into the ethos and culture of Cheslyn Hay.



The school will:

  • Identify pupils with SEND as early as possible in order that appropriate action may be taken to meet the pupil’s needs.
  • Provide suitably differentiated work in order for pupils to achieve.
  • Approach external agencies for support and advice where necessary.
  • Adopt and promote the SEN Code of Practice for assessment, monitoring and review.
  • Support pupils identified as SEND with an IEP and support where resources allow.
  • Raise the level of teachers and support staff expertise in meeting SEND and improve training.
  • Incorporate a strong system of support in school driven by the SENCo in collaboration with the learning mentor.
  • Ensure that the premises and resources are appropriate to the need of each child (6.23 DDA 1995)


Code Of Practice

The code of practice ensures that there is a consistency of approach to meeting children’s special educational needs and places the rights of pupils with special educational needs at the heart of the process.


The code sets out a framework for effective school based support and aims to develop a strong partnership between parents, schools, LA, health and social services and voluntary organisations.


If you have any queries, please contact the SENCO (Special Educational Needs Coordinator), Caroline Sivorn on 01922 667950.




Complaints about SEN provision in our school should be made to the class teacher in the first instance.  If you are not happy that concerns are being managed and your child is still not making progress then you should speak to the SENCo, Mrs Sivorn.  They will then be referred to the school’s complaints policy.


SENCo: Mrs Sivorn


SEN Governors: Mrs Wendy Powell

                             Mrs Alexandra Dziegiel-Buckley


The parents of pupils with disabilities have the right to make disability discrimination claims to the first-tier SEND tribunal if they believe that our school has discriminated against their children. They can make a claim about alleged discrimination regarding:

·         Exclusions

·         Provision of education and associated services

·         Making reasonable adjustments, including the provision of auxiliary aids and services


Useful Links

National Deaf Children’s Society
Parent Partnership


Please find more details in the downloadable PDF`s below:

Local Offer for Staffordshire – click here 
