We are a thriving and successful school and we pride ourselves on our positive ethos, values and strong sense of community.
Our children are excellent ambassadors for the school and their achievements, behaviour and attitude to learning are exemplary.
The school environment is attractive, vibrant and every opportunity has been made to ensure that it meets the needs of all of the pupils. We are always looking at ways of making improvements to meet the challenges of an ever changing curriculum.
At Cheslyn Hay our vision is to be:
A school where children find learning fun and leave with positive and long lasting memories. A school where children make progress in all of their learning because of high expectations and the encouragement and nurturing of inquisitive minds. A school full of resilient and confident learners who want to be the best that they can. A school that encourages respect and tolerance of others where all children can feel happy and safe.
An outstanding school that prepares pupils for life because that is what our children deserve.
We are very proud of our school and consider that our duty of care, support and safeguarding is excellent.
The staff and pupils work hard to ensure that good and better pupil progress is made by all pupils and the quality of teaching is enhanced by a vibrant learning environment appropriate for all learning styles.
We operate an ‘open door’ policy and there are good levels of communication with all stakeholders.
The behaviour of our pupils is very good and they are excellent ambassadors for our school. They always present themselves positively on trips and residential visits. Our pupils have established themselves as charity fundraisers and like to take the lead in this.
They are able to organise their own learning, run and organise lunchtime clubs and have a strong voice for the way our school operates through the School Council, Eco Council and Food Group.
We have high expectations for all of our pupils and our vision for excellence is driving the school forward.