Welcome to Year 1
Year One will be an exciting and fascinating place to be and we’ve got a brilliant new curriculum to start. We will be sharing information about this at our ‘Meet the Teacher’ meeting on Wednesday 18th September at 3.30pm. Information will be shared if you can’t make this date.
We’d like to introduce you to the adults we have in our Year 1 team:
1JG – Mrs George and Mrs Hamer
1KD – Mrs Dutton and Mrs Ellis.
Mrs Dellar and Mr Wainwright - Mrs Dellar will be teaching 1JG on a Tuesday morning and she will be joined by Mr Wainwright on a Tuesday afternoon to cover both classes.
Our PE days take place on Tuesdays and Fridays.
Your child can come to school in their PE kit on these days. PE uniform must consist of a t-shirt in your child’s ‘house’ colour or a white t-shirt and royal blue shorts. During cold weather, children can wear dark-coloured jogging bottoms and a dark-coloured jacket. Earrings must not be worn for PE lessons and cannot be covered with plasters or micropore tape.
Phonics and Reading
Children will be continuing with their daily phonics lessons and 3 x a week reading sessions on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. This year their book folders will be coming home on a Thursday. Please could they be returned back to school on a Tuesday morning. Please help us by ensuring all books are back in school by this day as their reading books need to be used with another group on this day.
Reading Diaries
This year, we will be trialling using Class Dojo as their online reading diary. The benefits of moving away from a paper diary will be the ease for parents to engage and record your child's reading and will allow us to have an easily accessible reading history for each child.
The comments we would have originally written in your child’s diary will now be posted on your child’s portfolio.
Weekly spellings will be given on a Friday and pupils will be tested on a Friday. This will relate to their phonics as well as high frequency and common exception words. Their spelling words will be posted on Dojo. Due to the increased demands of the National Curriculum, in Key Stage 1 home learning will just be weekly spellings and reading.
Please see below for advance notice of some dates you may want to add to your diary now.
Any questions, please just ask.
Kind regards,
Mrs George and Mrs Dutton